Blending Cedar

Basil plant my sweet basil plant day one i just transferred it to a new 11inch pot April 17 2024 the original pot was 6 inches way too small i need rock wool cubes to grow seedling . i'm working towards becoming an agronomist with the help of youtube i've come across many interesting projects i shall experiment. i last saucer watered my basil plant on Monday April 22 2024 i will see how long till next watering as long as there is water in the saucer , i keep my flower pot saucer watered water is the primary liquid that promotes plant growth. water is essential for plants to carry out various physiological processes, as photosynthesis, nutrient transport & cell expansion. Water acts as a solvent allowing plants to absorb minerals & nutrients from the soil through their roots. Urine cannot be used as a fertiliser urine may fuel the spread of antibiotic resistance, yet urine killed two of my plants. Urine is rich in nitrogen & phosphorus too much may overwhelm plants. The best rooting hormone is human saliva. Yes, you read that correctly: Apply saliva to the cut end of the stem before planting. i watered the plant on Thursday April 25 2024
CBSE Class 11 Biology || Mineral Nutrition || Full Chapter || By Shiksha House

Blending 2 Harvest sausages in the Kidisle Amazon blender
Blending 2 Harvest sausages

Blending down some cedar for a cedar juice blend with the kidisle blender from amazon i enjoy all the endophytes, polyphenols , polysaccharides, plant sterols and terpenoids ;Terpenoids are small secondary plant metabolites and are arguably the most widespread group of natural products. Terpenoids show a range of pharmacological activities, such as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-malarial, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic activities, and anti-cancer activities i drink cedar also for the chloroplast which plants have plants have isoprenoids, alkaloids, sulforaphanes, and certain vitamins and their precursors
Blending Cedar

Brass teapot from cost $116 i ordered this brass teapot on May 1st 2024 Brass is a metal alloy of copper & zinc that typically has a golden-yellow color but can be closer to red if the alloy has high levels of copper (known as “red brass”). Brass is known for its excellent workability, machinability, & antibacterial & anti-biofouling characteristics. Crafted from high-quality zamak zamak formerly trademarked as MAZAK is a family of alloys with a base metal of zinc & aluminium, magnesium, & copper. Dimensions of the brass teapot : H:18cm L:22cm Diameter:11cm Capacity is 780ml i put all my supplements in the teapot along with blended juice of hosta , cedar & various green leaves
Brass teapot crafted from high quality Zamak