
Raspberry plant i bought from the Home Depot for $46 including tax July 14 2024 so far no fruits hope my raspberry plant grows nice & big I really enjoy raspberries

Razanandrongobe God almighty created the Razanandrongobe of planet earth as the prophet Moses recorded in the Holy Bible Genesis 1:24-25  & God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, & creeping thing, & beast of the earth after his kind: & it was so. 25 & God made the beast of the earth after his kind, & cattle after their kind, & every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: & God saw that it was good. (meaning "ancestor [of the] large lizard" in Malagasy) is a genus of carnivorous ziphosuchian crocodyliform from the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar. It contains the type and only species Razanandrongobe sakalavae, named in 2004 by Simone Maganuco and colleagues based on isolated bones found in 2003. The remains, which included a fragment of maxilla and teeth, originated from the Bathonian-aged Sakaraha Formation of Mahajanga, Madagascar. While they clearly belonged to a member of the Archosauria, Maganuco and colleagues refrained from assigning the genus to a specific group because the fragmentary remains resembled lineages among both the theropod dinosaurs and crocodylomorphs. Further remains (including a premaxilla and lower jawbone) had been discovered as early as 1972, but were not described until 2017 by Cristiano Dal Sasso and colleagues. These remains allowed them to confidently assign Razanandrongobe as the oldest-known member of the Notosuchia, a group of crocodylomorphs, which partially filled a gap of 74 million years in the group's evolutionary history. Razanandrongobe shows a number of adaptations to a diet containing bones and tendons, including teeth with large serrations and bony structures reinforcing its palate and teeth. Measuring 7 metres (23 ft) long, it was the largest member of the Notosuchia and may have occupied a predatory ecological niche similar to theropods.

Red light therapy Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), cold laser therapy, photobiomodulation (PBM) or red light therapy is a form of medicine that applies low-level (low-power) lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface of the body. Whereas high-power lasers are used in laser medicine to cut or destroy tissue, it is claimed that application of low-power lasers relieves pain or stimulates and enhances cell function. The effects appear to be limited to a specified set of wavelengths and new research has demonstrated effectiveness at myopia control. Several such devices are cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and research shows potential for treating a range of medical problems including rheumatoid arthritis and oral mucositis. Purchase red light bulbs for your home
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Reforestation can be defined as the process of replanting trees in areas that have been affected by natural disturbances like wildfires, drought, insect & disease infestations — & unnatural ones like logging, mining, agricultural clearing & development. All the countries in the world need a reforestation program especially desert countries as Saudi Arabia gmo's are there to help drought infected deserts
New forests for greater climate protection? | DW Documentary
Can trees stop climate change? | DW Documentary
The Green Wall: China's Defense Against Desertification | SLICE EARTH | FULL DOC
How the UN is Holding Back the Sahara Desert
Ingenious, the Great Green Wall to contain the Sahara Sand | SLICE EXPERTS

Roosters God almighty created the roosters of planet earth as the prophet Moses recorded in the Holy Bible Genesis 1:24-25  & God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, & creeping thing, & beast of the earth after his kind: & it was so. 25 & God made the beast of the earth after his kind, & cattle after their kind, & every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: & God saw that it was good.
25 Unbelievable Chicken Breeds That Actually Exist