XV century Popes

Benedictine Nuns of Notre-Dame
A nuns movie 

Pope Alexander vi 214th Pontif papacy began in 1492
Domine, ne in furore. Psalm 6 In finem, in carminibus. Psalmus David. Pro octava. Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua corripias me. Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum; sana me, Domine, quoniam conturbata sunt ossa mea. Et anima mea turbata est valde; sed tu, Domine, usquequo? Convertere, Domine, et eripe animam meam; salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam. Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui; in inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi? Laboravi in gemitu meo; lavabo per singulas noctes lectum meum; lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo. Turbatus est a furore oculus meus; inveteravi inter omnes inimicos meos. Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem, quoniam exaudivit Dominus vocem fletus mei. Exaudivit Dominus deprecationem meam; Dominus orationem meam suscepit. Erubescant, et conturbentur vehementer omnes inimici mei; convertantur, et erubescant valde velociter. Amen
The Devil Pope: The Life of Rodrigo Borgia - Pope Alexander VI - See U in History
Most Evil Pope in History - Alexander VI The Devil Pope

Pope innocent viii 213th Pontif papacy began in 1484
Actus Contritionis - Act of Contrition Deus meus, ex toto corde poenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum, eaque detestor, quia peccando, non solum poenas a Te iuste statutas promeritus sum, sed praesertim quia offendi Te, summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris. Ideo firmiter propono, adiuvante gratia Tua, de cetero me non peccaturum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum. Deus meus, credo in te, spero in te, amo te super omnia ex tota anima mea, ex toto corde meo, ex totis viribus meis: amo te quia es infinite bonus et dignus qui ameris; et quia amo te, me paeitet ex toto corde te offendisse: miserere mihi peccatori. Amen

The Gospel of Thomas nuns in india
SISTER INDIA [Full Documentary]

Pope Pope Sixtus IV 212th Pontif papacy began in 1471
Exorcizo te, creatura salis, per Deum  vivum, per Deum  verum, per Deum  sanctum, per Deum, qui te per Eliseum Prophetam in aquam mitti jussit, ut sanaretur sterilitas aquæ: ut efficiaris sal exorcizatum in salutem credentium; et sis omnibus sumentibus te sanitas animæ et corporis; et effigiat, atque discedat a loco, in quo aspersum fueris, omnis phantasia, et nequitia, vel versutia diabolicæ fraudis, omnisque spiritus immundus, adjuratus per eum, qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem Immensam clementiam tuam, omnipoten æterne Deus, humiliter imploramus, ut hanc creaturam salis, quam in usum generis humani tribuisti, bene + dicere et sancti + ficare tua pietate digneris: ut sit omnibus sumentibus salus mentis et corporis; et quidquid ex eo tactum vel respersum fuerit, careat omni immunditia, omnique impugnatione spiritalis nequitiæ. Per Dominum Amen

Lifestyle of a nun vs. lifestyle of a sister

The lifestyles of nuns and other sisters can be dramatically different. This is because of where they live and how they serve.  Nuns live, work and pray in a convent or monastery Prayer is their primary work of nuns. Nuns live what is referred to as cloistered (enclosed) or semi-cloistered life. They live, work and pray within the monastery or convent. Nuns are devoted to a contemplative life of meditation and prayer for the salvation of all. Most religious orders began like this. 

A nun’s vocation, or ministry, is to witness the primacy of prayer in the church, to serve as a reminder of the contemplative dimension in all lives and to intervene for others before God. Many cloistered nuns only leave the enclosure for serious reasons and on rare occasions. So, it’s quite rare that you would meet a nun outside of the monastery or convent in the public eye. However, for some orders of nuns, the rules of enclosure are a bit more relaxed. A few examples of congregations that live the cloistered lifestyle of a nun are: Carmelite Nuns Poor Clares Dominican Nuns Visitandines Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters Handmaids of the Precious Blood and many more Learn more about the cloistered life of Catholic nuns.  Apostolic sisters minister and work in the world

While prayer is a very important component of the lives of sisters, it is not their primary work. Apostolic sisters involve themselves in various kinds of employment that are helpful to humanity -- which is called ministry. The life of an apostolic sister combines a life of prayer with a life of active ministry. Many sisters’ ministries are determined by the needs of the poor and marginalized. 

The details of where a sister lives and how a sister serves in the world are determined by her particular religious order, or congregation. Some sisters live in convents while other sisters, because of the location of their ministry, may live in small groups in regular houses (usually rented) or on their own.

Even if a sister lives alone, she is still bound to keep in touch and be in relationship with the rest of the community, pray in union with the other sisters, attend meetings and be accountable in everything she does. A few examples of congregations for Catholic sisters that live a life of ministry and prayer are: Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters of St. Joseph Sisters of St. Francis Society of the Holy Child Jesus Medical Missionaries of Mary and many more. Learn more about the life and ministry of Catholic sisters.

The Nun's Story - part1
The Nun's Story - part2

Pope Pope Paul ii 211th Pontif papacy began in 1464
Exorcizo te, creatura aquæ, in nomine Dei+Patris omnipotentis, et in nomine Jesu + Christi Filii ejus Domini nostri, et in virtute Spiritus + Sancti: ut fias aqua exorcizata ad effugandam omnem potestatem inimici, et ipsum inimicum eradicare et explantare valeas cum angelis suis apostaticis, per virtutem ajusdem Domini nostri Jesu Christi: qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem. Oremus. Deus, qui ad salutem humani generis, maxima quæque sacramenta in aquarum substantia condidisti: adesto propitius invocationibus nostris, et elemento huic multìmodis purificationibus præparato, virtutem tuæ bene+dictionis infunde: ut creatura tua, mysteriis tuis serviens, ad abigendos dæmones, morbosque pellendos, divinæ gratiæ sumat effectum; ut quidquid in domibus, vel in locis fidelium, hæc unda resperserit, careat omni immunditia, liberetur a noxa: non illic resideat spiritus pestilens, non aura corrumpens: discedant omnes insidiæ latentis inimici; et si quid est, quod aut incolumitati habitantium invidet, aut quieti, aspersione hujus aquæ effugiat: ut salubritas, per invocationem sancti tui nominis expetita, ab omnibus sit impugnationibus defensa. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen

Nuns celebrate Pope Francis Solemn vows of nuns vs. simple vows of other sisters. Both nuns and sisters take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, which are the three evangelical counsels or counsels of perfection in Christianity. As Jesus of Nazareth stated in the Canonical gospels, they are counsels for those who desire to become "perfect". In Catholic canon law, a solemn vow is "a deliberate and free promise made to God about a possible and better good" that the Church has recognized as such. The difference between a nun's vows and a sister's vows is the type that are taken and the setting in which the vows are taken. Nuns take what's called solemn vows, while sisters take simple vows.

Nuns take solemn vows in a public setting The solemn vows of nuns are perpetual (not temporary) and are taken in a public setting. Nuns must give up all of their worldly possessions, including patrimony (property, estates, endowments and inheritances). Being released from solemn vows requires dispensation from Rome. Any other vow, public or private, individual or collective, concerned with an action or with abstaining from an action, is a simple vow. Even a vow accepted by a legitimate superior in the name of the Church (the definition of a "public vow") is a simple vow if the Church has not granted it recognition as a solemn vow.

Other sisters take simple vows in a public or private setting The vows of sisters can be temporary or perpetual. Sisters take their simple vows publicly or privately. Sisters are permitted to retain their patrimony but must give up its use and any revenue. The meaning of "women religious" The term, women religious, refers to women who have taken vows of chastity, poverty and obedience1 and who give their life to serve humanity. These women are also commonly known as sisters or nuns. They belong to a religious institute established under Catholic Church Law.1 They endeavor to attain a common purpose by responding generously to the needs of humanity. Provide meaningful services to all by inculcating holistic development regardless of religious affiliation.2 

Despite their enormous contributions, there is little empirical research documenting the achievements of women religious in Africa or of the challenges they face. However, a case is made here that providing skills development for women in the sub-Saharan region might be a strategy for engendering change and development.3 Learn more about the work of ASEC.
Life In Hidden Light

Pope Pius ii 210th Pontif papacy began in 1458
GLORIA Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum VENI, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur; Et renovabis faciem terrae. Oremus: DEUS, qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti: da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere, et de eius semper consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum DEUS meus, firmiter credo Te esse unum Deum in tribus distinctis Personis, Patre, Filio et Spiritu Sancto; et Filium propter nostram salutem incarnatum, passum et mortuum esse, resurrexisse a mortuis, et unicuique pro meritis retribuere aut praemium in Paradiso aut poenam in Inferno. Haec ceteraque omnia quae credit et docet catholica Ecclesia, credo quia Tu ea revelasti, qui nec ipse falli nec nos fallere potes Amen.

Left: A Catholic sister in Kenya, Africa helps to deliver a baby at her congregation's hospital. Right: Villanova basketball star Shelly Pennefather left her family, friends and basketball career to become a cloistered nun.
Mon, Jul 6, 2020 It’s true that the words “sister” and “nun” are used interchangeably to describe women religious in the Catholic church, but there are several differences in the lifestyle, ministry and vows of nuns vs. apostolic women religious. The words “sister” and “nun” are used interchangeably in common speech, even amongst sisters, to describe women religious in the Catholic church. "Sister" is an all-encompassing term that applies to anyone any woman who takes vows in a religious order (including nuns). The distinction actually comes between the "nun" and "apostolic women religious".

The term 'apostolic women religious' is quite a mouthful and one rarely hears it in common usage. It's a technical term. Throughout this article we will distinguish the technical differences in canon law between sisters who take solemn vows (nuns) and sisters simple vows (all other sisters). There are several important differences in the lifestyle, ministry and vows of sisters, namely between apostolic women religious vs. nuns. Nuns live, minister and pray within the enclosure of a monastery. Nuns also take solemn, perpetual vows publicly and give up all worldly goods including estates, endowments and inheritances. Nuns are devoted to a contemplative and cloistered life of meditation and prayer for the salvation of all.

All other sisters (or apostolic women religious), may live in a convent or even in their own apartment and can minister and work outside of their religious community. Sisters take simple vows in a public or private setting and these vows can be either temporary or perpetual. While sisters are able to own property or estates, they are not able to use or earn revenue from them. Sisters live an active vocation of both prayer and service, going to the people who need their service.
What is the difference between a nun and a sister?

Pope Pope Callixtus III 209th Pontif papacy began in 1455
Actus Fidei DEUS meus, firmiter credo Te esse unum Deum in tribus distinctis Personis, Patre, Filio et Spiritu Sancto; et Filium propter nostram salutem incarnatum, passum et mortuum esse, resurrexisse a mortuis, et unicuique pro meritis retribuere aut praemium in Paradiso aut poenam in Inferno. Haec ceteraque omnia quae credit et docet catholica Ecclesia, credo quia Tu ea revelasti, qui nec ipse falli nec nos fallere potes. DOMINE Deus, firma fide credo et confiteor omnia et singula quae sancta ecclesia Catholica proponit, quia tu, Deus, ea omnia revelasti, qui es aeterna veritas et sapientia quae nec fallere nec falli potest. In hac fide vivere et mori statuo. DEUS meus, cum sis omnipotens, infinite misericors et fidelis, spero Te mihi daturum, ob merita Iesu Christi, vitam aeternam et gratias necessarias ad eam consequendam, quam Tu promisisti iis qui bona opera facient, quemadmodum, Te adiuvante, facere constituo. DOMINE Deus, spero per gratiam tuam remissionem omnium peccatorum, et post hanc vitam aeternam felicitatem me esse consecuturum: quia tu promisisti, qui es infinite potens, fidelis, benignus, et misericors. In hac spe vivere et mori statuo. DEUS meus, ex toto corde amo Te super omnia, quia es infinite bonus et infinite amabilis; et ob amorem Tui proximum meum diligo sicut meipsum, eique, si quid in me offendit, ignosco. DOMINE Deus, amo te super omnia et proximum meum propter te, quia tu es summum, infinitum, et perfectissimum bonum, omni dilectione dignum. In hac caritate vivere et mori statuo. Amen.

Beloved nuns worshipping our Lord Jesus Chris the king of glory Not all sisters are nuns. The most common misconception is that all sisters are nuns. This is not true. Both sisters and nuns are addressed as “sisters” which makes this confusing.

 For example, referring to a woman religious as Sr. Mary does not indicate whether or not Sr. Mary is a nun or a sister. But odds are, if you have met and spoken to Sr. Mary, she is a sister, not a nun. Most people won’t ever see or speak to a nun, because a nun lives and serves the majority of her life praying within the walls of the monastery. Most people will interact with apostolic women religious; the sisters who are serving within our community (like the sisters we had as teachers). 

As you can see, all women religious take the same vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. However, the vows differ between solemn and simple forms. Solemn vows are taken by nuns in a public setting and recognized by the church as solemn. Other sisters (apostolic women religious), take simple vows, which can be public or private. Simple vows refer to any vows not deemed solemn by the church. 

As you can see, there are several differences between nuns and other sisters. Women religious is a more encompassing term when referring to both sisters and nuns. However, all of these terms are used interchangeably and are socially acceptable to use.
Augustinian Cloistered Nuns, Valletta | S3 EP: 25, part 1 | The Local Traveller with Clare Agius

Pope Nicholas V 208th Pontif papacy began in 1447 Pope Nicholas V in 1452 and 1455, Pope Nicholas V formally supported Spain and Portugal's mass kidnapping and enslavement of Africans because it would help to Christianize enslaved people.
BENEDIC, Domine, nos et haec tua dona quae de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.Mensae caelestis participes faciat nos, Rex aeternae gloriae. Ad cenam vitae aeternae perducat nos, Rex aeternae gloriae. AGIMUS tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis, qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Ego sum Dominus Deus tuus, qui eduxi te de terra Aegypti, de domo servitutis. Non habebis deos alienos coram me. Non facies tibi sculptile neque omnem similitudinem eorum, quae sunt in caelo desuper et quae in terra deorsum et quae in aquis sub terra. Non adorabis ea neque coles. Non assumes nomen Domini Dei tui in vanum. Memento, ut diem Sabbati sanctifices. Honora patrem tuum et matrem tuam, ut sis longaevus super terram. Non occides. Non moechaberis. Non furtum facies. Non loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium.  Non concupisces uxorem proximi tui. Nec omnia, quae illius sunt. Amen

Praying Jesus
From Lutheran minister in-training to Catholic Cloistered Nun

Pope Eugene IV 207th Pontif papacy began in 1431
Diebus Dominicis ceterisque festis de praecepto Missam audire et ab operibus servilibus vacare. 1. Bartholomew 2. Andrew 3. Peter (Simon) 4. Phillip 5. Thomas 6. James 7. John 8. James (the Lesser) 9. Jude 10. Judas Iscariot 11. Simon (the Zealot) 12. Matthew (12. Mathias) Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est Regnum caelorum. Beati, qui lugent, quoniam ipsi consolabuntur. Beati mites, quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram. Beati, qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur. Beati misericordes, quia ipsi misericordiam consequentur. Beati mundo corde, quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt. Beati pacifici, quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur. Beati, qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam, quoniam ipsorum est Regnum caelorum. 

the Sisters of Life the people of God in New York The younger nuns can be a surprising bunch. While many in the older generation moved to the left after the 1960s, in theology and politics — a trend that led in part to Pope Benedict XVI’s investigation of American nuns in 2012 — younger nuns tend to be more conservative. They want to wear the habit. While they work outside their communities, they have a strong focus on contemplative life, making time for hours of daily communal prayer. And they tend to have a strong sense of a particular mission.
Powerful Jesus in Times Square: Priests & Nuns Lead Beautiful Eucharistic Procession in NYC

Pope Martin V 206th Pontif papacy began in 1417
QUICUMQUE vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem:Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit, absque dubio in aeternum peribit. Fides autem catholica haec est: ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et Trinitatem in unitate veneremur. Neque confundentes personas, neque substantiam separantes. Alia est enim persona Patris alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti: Sed Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas, aequalis gloria, coaeterna maiestas. Qualis Pater, talis Filius, talis Spiritus Sanctus. Increatus Pater, increatus Filius, increatus Spiritus Sanctus. Immensus Pater, immensus Filius, immensus Spiritus Sanctus. Aeternus Pater, aeternus Filius, aeternus Spiritus Sanctus. The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, and the Holy Spirit is eternal. Et tamen non tres aeterni, sed unus aeternus. Sicut non tres increati, nec tres immensi, sed unus increatus, et unus immensus. Similiter omnipotens Pater, omnipotens Filius, omnipotens Spiritus Sanctus. Et tamen non tres omnipotentes, sed unus omnipotens. Ita Deus Pater, Deus Filius, Deus Spiritus Sanctus. Et tamen non tres dii, sed unus est Deus. Ita Dominus Pater, Dominus Filius, Dominus Spiritus Sanctus. Et tamen non tres Domini, sed unus est Dominus. Quia, sicut singillatim unamquamque personam Deum ac Dominum confiteri christiana veritate compellimur: ita tres Deos aut Dominos dicere catholica religione prohibemur.

Carmelite nuns gather for prayer
Famous Croatian Actress Gives Up Her Career And Becomes A Carmelite Nun!

Pope Gregory 205th Pontif papacy began in 1417
Pater a nullo est factus: nec creatus, nec genitus. Filius a Patre solo est: non factus, nec creatus, sed genitus. Spiritus Sanctus a Patre et Filio: non factus, nec creatus, nec genitus, sed procedens. Unus ergo Pater, non tres Patres: unus Filius, non tres Filii: unus Spiritus Sanctus, non tres Spiritus Sancti. Et in hac Trinitate nihil prius aut posterius, nihil maius aut minus: sed totae tres personae coaeternae sibi sunt et coaequales. Ita ut per omnia, sicut iam supra dictum est, et unitas in Trinitate, et Trinitas in unitate veneranda sit. Qui vult ergo salvus esse, ita de Trinitate sentiat. Sed necessarium est ad aeternam salutem, ut incarnationem quoque Domini nostri Iesu Christi fideliter credat. Est ergo fides recta ut credamus et confiteamur, quia Dominus noster Iesus Christus, Dei Filius, Deus et homo est. Deus est ex substantia Patris ante saecula genitus: et homo est ex substantia matris in saeculo natus. Perfectus Deus, perfectus homo: ex anima rationali et humana carne subsistens. Aequalis Patri secundum divinitatem: minor Patre secundum humanitatem. Qui licet Deus sit et homo, non duo tamen, sed unus est Christus. Unus autem non conversione divinitatis in carnem, sed assumptione humanitatis in Deum. Unus omnino, non confusione substantiae, sed unitate personae. Nam sicut anima rationalis et caro unus est homo: ita Deus et homo unus est Christus. Qui passus est pro salute nostra: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis. Ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Ad cuius adventum omnes homines resurgere habent cum corporibus suis: et reddituri sunt de factis propriis rationem. Et qui bona egerunt, ibunt in vitam aeternam: qui vero mala, in ignem aeternum. Haec est fides catholica, quam nisi quisque fideliter firmiterque crediderit, salvus esse non poterit. Amen.

Anglican nuns pose for the children of God
Why Be an Episcopal Nun?

Pope Innocent VII 204 Pontif papacy began in 1404
QUICUMQUE vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem:Quam nisi quisque integram inviolatamque servaverit, absque dubio in aeternum peribit. Fides autem catholica haec est: ut unum Deum in Trinitate, et Trinitatem in unitate veneremur. Neque confundentes personas, neque substantiam separantes. Alia est enim persona Patris alia Filii, alia Spiritus Sancti; Sed Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti una est divinitas, aequalis gloria, coaeterna maiestas. Qualis Pater, talis Filius, talis Spiritus Sanctus. Increatus Pater, increatus Filius, increatus Spiritus Sanctus. Immensus Pater, immensus Filius, immensus Spiritus Sanctus. Aeternus Pater, aeternus Filius, aeternus Spiritus Sanctus. Et tamen non tres aeterni, sed unus aeternus. Sicut non tres increati, nec tres immensi, sed unus increatus, et unus immensus.
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