
F-22 Raptor Isaiah 31:5 As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also the LORD will deliver Jerusalem; and passing over the LORD will preserve Jerusalem. The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is an American twin-engine all-weather stealth fighter aircraft developed and produced for the United States Air Force (USAF). As a product of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program the aircraft was designed as an air superiority fighter, but also incorporates ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence capabilities. The prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, built most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and conducted final assembly, while program partner Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems. The F-22 descended from the Lockheed YF-22 and first flew in 1997, and was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 before it formally entered service in December 2005 as the F-22A. Although the USAF had originally planned to buy a total of 750 ATFs and later scaled down to 381, the program was cut to 195 aircraft — 187 of them operational models — in 2009 due to political opposition from high costs, a lack of air-to-air missions at the time of production, and the development of the more affordable and versatile F-35. The last aircraft was delivered in 2012. After a protracted development and initial operational difficulties, the F-22 became a critical component of the USAF's tactical airpower for air-to-air missions against peer adversaries. While designed for counter-air operations, the aircraft has also performed strike and electronic support missions in the Middle East against the Islamic State and Assad-aligned forces. The F-22 will remain a cornerstone of the USAF's fighter fleet until its succession by the crewed Next Generation Air Dominance fighter.

Fasolasuchus is an extinct genus of loricatan. Fossils have been found in the Los Colorados Formation of the Ischigualasto-Villa Unión Basin in northwestern Argentina that date back to the Norian stage of the Late Triassic, making it one of the last "rauisuchians" to have existed before the order became extinct at the end of the Triassic.Fasolasuchus is likely the largest known "rauisuchian", with an estimated length of 8 m (26 ft) to 10 m (33 ft). This would make Fasolasuchus the largest terrestrial predator to have ever existed save for large theropods, surpassing the Cenozoic Barinasuchus, the "rauisuchian" counterpart Saurosuchus at 7 metres (23 ft), and many medium sized theropods as large as Ceratosaurus. Like Saurosuchus, it had only a single row of caudal osteoderms, unusual among "rauisuchians". It also had a hyposphene-hypantrum articulation that gave the vertebral column extra rigidity. This feature is also seen in several other "rauisuchians" such as Postosuchus as well as saurischian dinosaurs.
Fasolasuchus: The Largest Non-Dinosaur Predator to Ever Exist

Fluorine God created Fluorine & God created all the elements of the periodic table when God created the universe as recorded in the Holy Bible book of Genesis Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens .  Fluorine is a chemical element; it has symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen[note 1] and exists at standard conditions as a highly toxic, pale yellow diatomic gas. Fluorine is extremely reactive, as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases. Fluorine is a chemical element; it has symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen and exists at standard conditions as a highly toxic, pale yellow diatomic gas. Fluorine is extremely reactive, as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases.
How The Brain Affects Your Sight And Sound | The Brain Fitness Program | Spark

Foetus Galatians 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace. Abotrtion is a crime , a fetus or foetus is the unborn offspring that develops from a mammal embryo.[1] Following embryonic development, the fetal stage of development takes place. In human prenatal development, fetal development begins from the ninth week after fertilization (or eleventh week gestational age) and continues until the birth of a newborn. Prenatal development is a continuum, with no clear defining feature distinguishing an embryo from a fetus. However, a fetus is characterized by the presence of all the major body organs, though they will not yet be fully developed and functional and some not yet situated in their final anatomical location.
Life Before Birth - In the Womb

Fungi on the third day of Geesis God almighty created all the trees plants & fungi of the earth Genesis 1:11-13  & God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, & the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: & it was so. 12 & the earth brought forth grass, & herb yielding seed after his kind, & the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: & God saw that it was good. 13 & the evening & the morning were the third day.
The life of the forest. Fungi
Discover Mushrooms in the PNW Documentary; Episode 1
Harnessing the power of mushrooms: The mycelium revolution • FRANCE 24 English
Fungi’s Resilience and Intelligence